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Ecotourism in Vietnam
Helping to build a country. Taking part to a global movement and– if only for a single trip – bring water to the big millwheel of social and economical development of a region. That is, in short, what ecotourism is all about. And that is exactly what you’ll be doing when travelling with Freewheelin tours. Not to shabby for this little independent travel agency founded a little over ten years ago. But beyond these –very- noble concerns for sustainable development, Fredo Binh and his team is first and foremost inviting you to a incursion in the heart of Vietnamese daily life and in the world of the hill tribes people.
Freewheelin tours is a small independent agency located in the heart of Hanoi city’s old town. Its founder, Fredo Binh, a Metis born in France that came back to the country about 14 ye
ars ago, is a free spirit that loves nothing more then riding his bike throughout the country.
During these trips, he discovered the beauty of the backcountry and the unlimited hospitality of the hill tribes’ people. And developed over the years solid friendships rooted in the respect of each other and in the pleasure of sharing. It’s thus quite naturally that M. Binh accepted the proposal of foreign tourists who asked him, in 1994, to guide them in the mountain.
With no previous experience, M. Binh takes on the challenge and act as an independent guide taking this curious couple well off the regular travel agencies road. Aside from a few bumps on the road, he first trip is a success and both guide and tourists are greatly satisfied with their experience. This crazy idea makes its way and an even crazier project is slowly takes form.
Far goes a little project…
The rest is a classic tale of success: with the opening of its frontiers, Vietnam is welcoming an on growing number of curious travellers looking for change of scenery and exotic adventures. Travel agencies and guides are in demand and business opportunities are numerous. Like many other, Fredo Binh sees the possibilities and tries his luck. But unlike many other, he refuses to follow the mass and creates a very unique agency.

To an effective but victim of its own need of constant efficiency mass tourism, in which tourists are moved from one site to the other in huge buses, barely having time to actually see and much less feel the places, M. Binh opposes a tourism of slow visits and encounters. Instead of trying to jam many sites in little time, he focuses and chooses carefully where he’ll take you. Instead of nights spent in government run hotels, he offers nights spent in family houses.
Although clever and at the time completely innovative, this project however must tackle a very real cultural shock issue. No matter how welcoming they may be, the hill tribes’ traditional way of life is miles away of the most basic touristic standards. An adjustment is thus necessary and the idea of a partnership between the young travel agency and the different hosting villages comes to life. In exchange of a roof and meal for his curious tourists, M. Binh invests in the improvement of the villages’ infrastructure and donates a part of his income the hosting families.
By doing so, he takes them out of economic poverty too often heavy of consequence. Indeed, approximately 75% of the ethnic population live in great poverty compared to only 30% with the Kinhs (Vietnamese).
To this day, Fredo Binh is the man behind the improvement of hygienic condition of several families, thanks to the installation of septic pits and water treatment systems. In addition, his families learned how to protect themselves of viral and bacterial infection by educated on the matter and by making small adjustment to their way of life.
…on a long, never-ending road
Freewheelin tour is also working on bigger scale project. Among thus, the creation of a nature retreat and of a museum dedicated to the Nung An tribes in the Quan Uyen commnity. Or the establishment of a fishing pond in the Be Be village to help feed the families without destroying the natural environment. Or the building of a cable bridge in Lao Cai region allowing hill tribes children to get to school in flood period.
Other major projects include the foundation of a touristic school in Vu Linh province. The school will allow children to get an education in hotel trade techniques leading to an international diploma. An un-dreamed of opportunity as this kind of education is for now rarely completed by the hill tribes youngsters.
For M. Binh: “Such a project will allow them to be actors of the development of their province and thus have a better control on it.” Up to now, Freewheelin reinvests up to 60% of its profits in the visited communities and acts as a true vector of development. Without jeopardising the cultural identity of the said communities.

“The fast economic growth Vietnam and the modern world influence do have repercussions on the hill tribes way of life.” Continues M. Binh. “However, loosing cultural identity doesn’t have to be their faith. That being said, we did notice that some under-represented tribes or others that are more fragile already suffered upheavals, which resulted either in their assimilation or, in the worst case, their disappearance. But others, with better anchoring, or that show more flexibility, seems to resist the wave of progress without loosing their identity. Flexibility and cultural strength is a major asset. Access to education and the comprehension of the modern world will bring them just that and thus give them a chance to play their future without necessarily having to sacrifice their identity.”
So far, several villages and communities benefit of this collaboration with Freewheelin tours. But the amount of work that remains to be done is big and the challenges, numerous. Meanwhile, it is reassuring to be able to count on the private initiative of small business owners to ensure that travel and sustainable development do go hand in hand. 04, Luong Ngoc Quyen St, Hanoi Phone: 0084 (4) 926 27 43