
L.T In theory you can shoot everything. In reality, things are a bit different… That being said though, I never think about that when I go out to shoot. Am just open to what I see.
H. Which bring me to your favourites subjects. You have a marked preference for the countryside and the rural way of life. Do you define yourself as a witness of Vietnam traditional ways?
L.T It’s all very intuitive for me. I just basically shoot when I see something that I like. I don’t think my pictures are proof of anything or should be label as ‘expressions’ of specific ideas. Some like to shoot rock star of models, I like to shoot a woman walking in a field. This is more beautiful, more natural to me. Genuine. Vietnam’s reality is still very rural. And besides you, it’s in the simplest things that you truly understand the essence of a culture.
H. But there is a lot of sadness in you pictures. They very often talk about aging, expectation…
L.T. I simply adore talking about life. And life is complicated. You sometimes have to go through very difficult moment. And all of this to return to dust in the end! (Laugh) I like to shoot elderly people because they have seen so much and just experienced so many things. And you can see this in there bodies, the way they old themselves, the look in there eyes. For me, an elderly woman is a much more accurate incarnation of life then a baby. I know some people are touched by my pictures but sadden? I don’t really know but… if you think about it they wouldn’t buy my pictures and they were making them sad!